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This change puzzled the teachers until they realized that students are more concerned about spelling, punctuation, and other aspects of editing when they first learn to write. Because students do not have a great deal of fluency with their writing, they are more limited in what they describe. In contrast, when meeting with the teacher, the kindergartners elaborated on what they wrote about their work. And once students became more fluent with their writing skills, they were able to represent their reflective thoughts more easily. Initially the students at Croton Elementary often offered stereotypical comments such as "This was fun!" or "I chose this piece of work because it is my best. " Teachers realized that they needed to spend time teaching students how to reflect.
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Table and stools outside tobe scrubbed, mess traps to be polished, floor to bewaxed and polished, lights and shades removed andcleaned, hammocks stacked extra firmly in the hammockrack, kit bags placed correctly in their racks:everything by six bells eleven oclock in theforenoon to be "shipshape and Bristolfashion". In would swarm the Commander and therest, consisting of Divisional Officers, the TrainingChief P. O. , the Class P. O. s and literally Old UncleTom Cobbley and all. The sole idea was for somebodyto find something not as it should be. We classleaders had to report our respective messes as beingready for inspection and await the"Ahs", as something was discovered,whereupon one was called to see the TrainingCommander and given a reprimand, the severitydepending on the fault. Each Sunday after Rounds thebest mess was given a whopping great fruit cake fortea, instead of the proverbial currant bun. When wepassed out of training we discovered that duringthose weeks each mess was awarded a cake, regardless. But those inspections kept us on our toes and aboardship those Saturday Rounds were still part of lifetill I left the Service.
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If youre interested in finding out more about the validity of this kind of self compassion affirmationi. e. self talk in a goal setting contextyou might find this paper on Hope Theory very helpful Snyder et al. , 1998. Succinctly, positive self talk like I can do this is common in high hope people. Its a kind of agentic thinking which helps motivate us towards our goals when we come across obstacles. Goals like becoming more self compassionate, for instance. Practicing affirmations can also be useful if youre hoping to replace the negative self talk we referred to earlier with more self kindness. Our often habitual tendencies to blame, criticize, or put ourselves down cant be changed unless we try to catch ourselves in the act, and only then can we reframe them Soflau and David, 2017. Replacing negative automatic thoughts with self compassionate internal dialogue helps us deal with our Inner Critic, replacing it with empathetic self directed talk Earley, 2010; 2018. We can think of these more like the actual content of self compassion.
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So basically, the woo didnt work and Callenders disease is progressing alarmingly. Cannabis oils didnt stop the cancer because cannabis does not cure cancer. Sadly, none of this is a surprise; untreated relapsed Hodgkins lymphoma is not going to go away on its own, and thats basically what would have had to have happened for Callender to get better. At least she appears to be finally getting treatment again. This is something thats common among those who choose quackery instead of medicine. When it becomes obvious even to them that the woo isnt working; they go back to the chemotherapy.